mTLS in the Mesh with Redhat OpenShift Service Mesh (OSSM) - On or Off?
One of the benefits of a service mesh is security by design, in fact it is one of the main use cases which drives adoption of the mesh in cloud based environments where there are disparate types of microservice workloads.
Although this is very powerful as one can imagine there may be cases that a workload cannot participate in mTLS handshakes using the default mesh certificates. This is due to a workload having to handle its own TLS termination or because simply it should not receive TLS traffic (performance or policy reasons). However, what are the possible security settings and when do they result in an on or off mTLS traffic setup? Like in the case of a recent customer of mine this can be a little confusing.
In this article we will explore how encryption with Mutual TLS (mTLS) is configured on or off in Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (OSSM) and how you can verify if the traffic is encrypted or not.
Setting up the Service Mesh controlplane
In order to setup the Red Hat Service Mesh you would need either a
- Local CodeReady Containers (CRC) cluster or
- an OpenShift Clusters (4.6+) and
binary installed in the local path for the version of OCP
The next step is to deploy in the cluster the necessary operators the service OSSM requires for the deployment and configuration of the mesh. We have prepared such a script
and all you require is to login to your cluster and execute (in a linux based system) this script or alternatively copy the contents of it and execute them with the oc
Finally, the OSSM operator will require a ServiceMeshControlPlane
(SMCP) resource to define the characteristics of the Service Mesh (both for the controlplane and dataplane). We will create it with the following commands.
0oc new-project istio-system (1)
1echo "apiVersion: (2)
2kind: ServiceMeshControlPlane
4 name: basic
5 namespace: istio-system
7 security:
8 dataPlane:
9 automtls: false
10 mtls: false
11 addons:
12 grafana:
13 enabled: true
14 jaeger:
15 install:
16 storage:
17 type: Memory
18 kiali:
19 enabled: true
20 prometheus:
21 enabled: true
22 policy:
23 type: Istiod
24 profiles:
25 - default
26 telemetry:
27 type: Istiod
28 tracing:
29 sampling: 10000
30 type: Jaeger
31 version: v2.1"| oc apply -n istio-system -f -
33oc get smcp -n istio-system
35basic 7/10 PausingInstall ["default"] 18s
37oc wait --for condition=Ready -n istio-system smcp/basic --timeout 300s (4) condition met
- Creates the OCP namespace (project) where the controlplane components will be deployed in.
- The
which defines that dataplane mTLS (mutual TLS encryption between mesh included workloads) is false. It is key to understand what the effect of this is and we will explain it below. - The OSSM operator begins to configure the controlplane and when all components are ready it is ready (STATUS:
) to be used - The OSSM operator begins to configure the controlplane and when conditions are met it is ready to be used
After applying the above we will have a Service Mesh controlplane which manages the observability stack as well as policies and configurations applied to the dataplane and we now need to define the dataplane.
Setting up the dataplane
Next apply the commands in the following link to create a namespace and deploy the bookinfo application. Once that is in place you should have all PODs in the bookinfo namespace started.
0oc get pods -n bookinfo
2details-v1-6cd699df8c-nnbtx 2/2 Running 0 14s
3productpage-v1-5ddcb4b84f-6jlf8 2/2 Running 0 9s
4ratings-v1-bdbcc68bc-7vjtj 2/2 Running 0 13s
5reviews-v1-754ddd7b6f-d4xxj 2/2 Running 0 12s
6reviews-v2-675679877f-b78qm 2/2 Running 0 12s
7reviews-v3-79d7549c7-xdsjj 2/2 Running 0 11s
Add to each of the Deployment
under bookinfo
namespace the following annotation in order to register statistics by istio-proxy
on TLS handshakes:
0oc patch deployment productpage-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "tls_inspector,listener,cluster"}}}}}' -n bookinfo
1oc patch deployment details-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "tls_inspector,listener,cluster"}}}}}' -n bookinfo
2oc patch deployment ratings-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "tls_inspector,listener,cluster"}}}}}' -n bookinfo
3oc patch deployment reviews-v1 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "tls_inspector,listener,cluster"}}}}}' -n bookinfo
4oc patch deployment reviews-v2 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "tls_inspector,listener,cluster"}}}}}' -n bookinfo
5oc patch deployment reviews-v3 -p '{"spec":{"template":{"metadata":{"annotations":{"": "tls_inspector,listener,cluster"}}}}}' -n bookinfo
As soon as the re-deployment of the PODs completes the dataplane is ready and the following command should verify this.
0curl -s "http://$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{}' -n istio-system)/productpage" | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"
1<title>Simple Bookstore App</title>
Disabling mTLS for all applications
As mentioned above we need to have a clear understanding of the SMCP
mTLS settings and their effect. The result of the above applied settings for mtls: false
is that OSSM creates in the controlplane namespace a PeerAuthentication
resource with mTLS mode set to PERMISSIVE
. The effect of this configuration is that if 2 workloads participating in communication in the mesh can perform mTLS handshake then the mesh will enforce it.
0oc get peerauthentication -n istio-system
2default PERMISSIVE 5d18h
This is then inherited by all dataplane namespaces and this came as a surprise to one of our customers who expected that mtls: false
meant no mTLS handshakes.
You can verify this whilst calling the URL
0watch curl -s "http://$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{}' -n istio-system)/productpage" | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"
TLS handshakes will take place between the components and statistics will be registered in the counters (see the numbers on the stats increasing executing the script per POD).
0./ productpage-v1-556db7cbb5-x5n55 <-- HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
1./ details-v1-68cbd47bc5-xwf2x <-- HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
2./ reviews-v1-75755d569f-z6jwf <-- HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
3./ reviews-v2-86c76b84c5-xzq56 <-- HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
4./ reviews-v3-56cbff6b99-cfwj4 <-- HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
5./ ratings-v1-5f867c4bb7-7fdv8 <-- HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
You can further verify this by accessing the KIALI UI (url: oc get route kiali -o jsonpath='{}' -n istio-system
) App Graph and in the display drop down select Security. You should note the padlock icon appears in all the arrows between the bookinfo
So how can we then completely disable mTLS in the communications for the traffic in the dataplane? The answer is by applying DestinationRule
which forces clients of a service (host) to not apply mTLS in the communication towards/from that host. This is what the following commands will do after you apply them.
0echo "apiVersion:
1kind: DestinationRule
3 name: productpage
5 host: productpage.bookinfo.svc.cluster.local
6 trafficPolicy:
7 tls:
8 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
10echo "apiVersion:
11kind: DestinationRule
13 name: productpage-2
15 host: productpage
16 trafficPolicy:
17 tls:
18 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
20echo "apiVersion:
21kind: DestinationRule
23 name: details
25 host: details.bookinfo.svc.cluster.local
26 trafficPolicy:
27 tls:
28 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
30echo "apiVersion:
31kind: DestinationRule
33 name: details-2
35 host: details
36 trafficPolicy:
37 tls:
38 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
40echo "apiVersion:
41kind: DestinationRule
43 name: ratings
45 host: ratings.bookinfo.svc.cluster.local
46 trafficPolicy:
47 tls:
48 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
50echo "apiVersion:
51kind: DestinationRule
53 name: ratings-2
55 host: ratings
56 trafficPolicy:
57 tls:
58 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
60echo "apiVersion:
61kind: DestinationRule
63 name: reviews
65 host: reviews.bookinfo.svc.cluster.local
66 trafficPolicy:
67 tls:
68 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
70echo "apiVersion:
71kind: DestinationRule
73 name: reviews-2
75 host: reviews
76 trafficPolicy:
77 tls:
78 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
Testing against the productpage
application (curl above) we should see no TLS handshakes taking place now.
0./ productpage-v1-556db7cbb5-x5n55 <-- NO HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
1./ details-v1-68cbd47bc5-xwf2x <-- NO HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
2./ reviews-v1-75755d569f-z6jwf <-- NO HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
3./ reviews-v2-86c76b84c5-xzq56 <-- NO HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
4./ reviews-v3-56cbff6b99-cfwj4 <-- NO HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
5./ ratings-v1-5f867c4bb7-7fdv8 <-- NO HANDSHAKES TAKE PLACE
KIALI shows a similar behavior (notice no padlock on any of the connections and on the right handside unknown Principals on the from/to).
Enforce mTLS for all applications
In the case of a set of applications that require to be excluded from mTLS the above may make sense. However, when the data is sensitive and policy needs to be very strict around security by encryption the Mesh admin can force all components to communicate via mTLS
by defining in the SMCP
Resource the following mTLS settings.
0 security:
1 dataPlane:
2 automtls: true
3 mtls: true
You can also follow this by accessing the SMCP
Resource YAML under namespace istio-system
and change the existing settings. Alternatively, re-apply the resource at Setting up the Service Mesh controlplane changing the settings for mtls: true
and automtls: true
. The outcome is that the PeerAuthentication
resource will now have mTLS set to STRICT
0oc get peerauthentication -n istio-system
2default STRICT 5d18h
The effect of this configuration is now any request to the productpage
will fail.
0$ curl -v "http://$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{}' -n istio-system)/productpage" | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"
1> Host:
2> User-Agent: curl/7.71.1
3> Accept: */*
5* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
6< HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
7< content-length: 95
8< content-type: text/plain
9< date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:10:25 GMT
10< server: istio-envoy
11< set-cookie: 44371fc75fdb694d574e56e33b166cc7=619f273b9d2709119dd0b6b5b31cdc01; path=/; HttpOnly
mTLS disabled for specific application workloads
Our customer had specific workloads (elastic search, kafka streams etc.) which needed to handle their own TLS termination. In this case we wanted to maintain the STRICT
policy of mTLS on all traffic except those workloads. To achieve this in the current setup apply the following to disable mTLS ONLY for the details
0oc delete dr productpage -n bookinfo
1oc delete dr productpage-2 -n bookinfo
2oc delete dr reviews -n bookinfo
3oc delete dr reviews-2 -n bookinfo
4oc delete dr ratings -n bookinfo
5oc delete dr ratings-2 -n bookinfo
6oc delete peerauthentication default-disable -n bookinfo
7echo "apiVersion:
8kind: PeerAuthentication
10 name: details-mtls-disable
11 namespace: bookinfo
13 selector:
14 matchLabels:
15 app: details
16 mtls:
17 mode: DISABLE" |oc apply -n bookinfo -f -
Testing should show the following in KIALI UI where a padlock appears in all connections except the details
and Principal shows content of the certs used on the from/to now) whilst you can also check the istio-proxy handshake stats once more to verify TLS handshakes do take place for all workloads except details
Final thoughts around the behavior of mTLS on or off in the OSSM
- If
Resource config is set toPERMISSIVE
mTLS the above additionalPeerAuthentication
for details is not required. - If
Resource config is set toSTRICT
mTLS the above additionalPeerAuthentication
for details is required and if removed the result will be as follows
The Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (OSSM) will always apply mTLS encryption to the traffic and the options are if it should be STRICT
. In the STRICT
case, all traffic participating workloads will be required to have the ability to adhere to this policy or be explicitly excluded through a PeerAuthentication
disable policy for that service. In the PERMISSIVE
scenario workloads will participate in mTLS traffic if both parties can and this can be by-passed via a DestinationRule
for informing all clients of the host of a service to not initiate mTLS connection.
You can try all above examples (and more) in the servicemesh-playground repository and provide feedback.